
WasserCluster Lunz, Dr. Gabriele Weigelhofer (Scientific Research Area Manager)
Cooperation Partners:
BOKU, UBA, TU Wien/RCWH, Uni Innsbruck/FLEE
Relevant stakeholders:
Land NÖ, MA31

Research focus

The Mostviertel Ybbs catchment provides the unique opportunity to study the impacts of land use and climate change (warming, heat waves, and extreme hydrological events) on tributaries of the Upper Danube along a gradient from almost pristine to heavily impacted headwater streams. The research at this site focuses on the resistance, resilience, and adaptation of ecosystem functioning and the stream biota. Amongst others, we investigate the response of benthic and hyporheic biogeochemical and microbial processes, biotic interactions, and the aquatic biodiversity to multiple stressors, such as changes in the hydrology and the sediment regime, heat waves, the exposition to nutrients, emerging pollutants, microplastics, and fecal bacteria, etc.

Research questions:

  • How do low flow, warming, and floods affect the storage or release/resuspension of nutrients, fecal bacteria, and pollutants from the sediments into the water, thus causing a deterioration of the water quality?
  • How does intermittency affect the integrity and functioning of headwaters by changing biogeochemical processes, biotic interactions, and biodiversity? How do changes in flow regime, driven by water use and climate change, affect biodiversity patterns and ecosystem functions at river network scale?
  • How does land use affect biodiversity across different levels and spatial scales, from microorganisms to fish considering structural as well as functional diversity? How do low flow, warming, and floods affect the sediment balance?

Monitoring sites

  • 1 monitoring site at Oberer Seebach (pristine tributary)
  • 1 monitoring site at the Ybbs (Opponitz)
  • 1 monitoring site at Url (tributary influenced by agriculture)


Assoc.Prof. Dr. Gabriele Weigelhofer

Groupleader FLUVICHEM ,
WasserCluster Lunz (WCL)
